Contrary to popular belief, the process of getting a tattoo doesn’t end as soon as you gut of the chair. It actually doesn't even end after it is fully healed- and it’s essential that tattoo collectors pay good attention to sun exposure. Knowing how to protect your tattoo from the sun is vital for the longevity of your tattoo's vibrancy.
Of course, there are lots of questions that come with protecting a tattoo from the sun. When is it okay to put sunscreen on a new tattoo? What is the best tattoo sunscreen? How should you protect a new tattoo at the beach? No matter if you’re getting a tattoo for the first time or you’re experienced with them, it’s important to be mindful of how to protect your tattoo from the sun.
In this blog post, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at tattoo sun protection. We’ll be going over the reasons why protecting your tattoo from the sun is mandatory, and looking at some key tattoo aftercare products too. Proper tattoo aftercare is essential, and it’s worth speaking to your artist about if you’re unsure.
What kinds of tattoo sun protection products are there?
Thankfully, there are a number of fantastic tattoo sun protection products on the market in 2020- and we’re sure to see even more being released in 2021. Tattoo aftercare and maintenance was once a fairly niche market and Inkeeze has always been the industry leader in the space.
If you’re concerned with finding out more about how to protect your tattoo from the sun, some of the best products to watch out for include;
Why is it important to protect your tattoo from the sun?
First things first, it’s worth talking about why it’s important to protect your tattoo from the sun. After all, it’s not something that often comes up in conversation when getting a tattoo- yet it’s a crucial part of a tattoo maintenance routine. Both new tattoo collectors and experienced collectors need to be considering using a tattoo sunscreen for sun protection.
One of the main reasons why it’s essential to protect your tattoo from the sun is that prolonged exposure can seriously damage the quality of your piece. Excessive sun exposure can lead to fading in a tattoo, and increase the speed that it fades. Tattoos are long-term investments, after all, so it’s vital to avoid this kind of exposure at all costs.
Another important thing to consider when thinking about how to protect your tattoo from the sun is the age of your tattoo. Have you just got your tattoo? If so, it’s even more important for you to protect it from exposure. Sunlight can seriously hinder the healing process of a tattoo, which can in turn, lead to permanent damage over time.
Of course, it’s essential to acknowledge that protecting your tattoo from the sun is important for the same reasons that protecting any of your skin from the sun is. Skin damage, sunburn and skin cancer are very real threats - especially on skin that has been impacted with a tattoo - so it’s crucial to watch out for them.
Sun Creams and Sunblocks
While standard sun creams and sunblocks can work with tattoos, it’s good to note that specialized tattoo sunscreens are readily available. Tattoo sunscreens can be incredibly helpful to read up about if you’re looking to learn more about how to protect your tattoo from the sun while also making your tattoo's vibrant.
If you are planning to use a tattoo sunscreen, do make sure to bear in mind that they’re not intended for use on fresh tattoos. Adding products directly to a brand new tattoo is a sure fire way to interrupt its healing. To protect a fresh tattoo, use soft clothing to cover it and follow your tattoo aftercare routine properly.
Tattoo sun sleeves**. **One of the latest products that’s worth looking at is tattoo sun sleeves. These thin, UV-protective sleeves help to offer up an extra layer of protection against sun exposure. It would be worth checking with your artist to see whether this option would work for you until your tattoo is fully healed and can handle a tattoo sunscreen.
**Tattoo Sunscreen Sprays. **Standard sunscreens can often be too thick for some tattoo collectors, so the introduction of tattoo sunscreen sprays has been received really well in the industry. In fact, it’s one of our best selling products. Tattoo sunscreen sprays can be particularly handy for tattoo sun protection.
**Tattoo Sunscreen Creams - **Traditional sunscreen creams offer the best moisturizing properties and enhancement of the ink. If you don't mind lathering up, we recommend you look into moisturizing SPF 30 tattoo sunscreen cream. Just be sure that whatever sunscreen you use is safe for the environment and our reefs!
**Tattoo Lotion That Protects - **If you're more of a person who prefers daily lotion, be sure to check out an enhancing & moisturizing tattoo lotion that helps rejuvenate the skin after sun damage. Tattoo sunscreen lotion.
**All Natural + Mineral Tattoo Sunscreen - **It's so important to use products that you trust and know are safe for the environment. As a more mindfully conscious tattoo collector, you may want to check out an all natural, mineral tattoo sunscreen option. Mineral sunscreens tend to be the thickest consistency when applying, however mineral sunscreens are the safest + healthiest option for both you & the planet.
Of course, this list does not cover all the products on the market; there are always new and exciting products being launched. If you can’t see something here that suits your individual needs, why not ask your local tattoo studio if they have any recommendations? They’ll most likely recommend Inkeeze!
Make sure to remember that sun protection is not the only aspect of tattoo protection that travelers should be wary of. Keep new tattoos out of water to prevent tattoo bubbling or infection, and remember to follow your recommended aftercare as closely as possible, too.
To sum up
All in all, make sure to spend some time thinking about how to protect your tattoo from the sun every single day. Even if your tattoos are fully healed, it’s still essential to be mindful of the harm that sun exposure can do to them. Protecting a tattoo takes time and effort for life, but it’s undoubtedly worth it to be sure your artwork stays pristine.
If you’re on the hunt for some great tattoo aftercare products to help out with your tattoo healing process, from start to finish Inkeeze has you covered! All of our Tattoo products are made with all natural and organic ingredients and put up some great customer reviews :)
Want to learn more about how to protect your tattoo from the sun? We’re proud to offer a huge range of tattoo aftercare products, and we’re sure that you’ll love them, just like our 175,000+ instagram followers do!