Over the years, the demand for tattoos has increased enormously, but general knowledge of correct Tattoo Aftercare & Tattoo Maintenance has lacked. This 2023 Tattoo Aftercare guide will help you understand everything there is to know about proper Tattoo Aftercare and Tattoo Maintenance from day one to day 30, no matter where on your body a new tattoo has been inked!
Before getting tattooed, it is important to consider some basic aspects of the tattoo process, such as understanding health concerns and, of course, making sure you get tattooed by an experienced professional tattoo artist. The tattoo artist should make sure that the needles used are sanitary to prevent infection. If you have health conditions, it is always wise to consult a doctor before getting tattooed.

1. A detailed understanding of the recovery process 2. Things to avoid 3. How to take care of a tattoo 4. Head Tattoo 5. Neck Tattoo 6. Throat Tattoo 7. Stomach Tattoo 8. Lip Tattoo (PMU) 9. Finger Tattoo 10. Hand Tattoo 11. Butt Tattoo 12. Calf Tattoo 13. Foot / Ankle Tattoo 14. Back of the Knee Tattoo 15. Knee Tattoo 16. Thigh Tattoo 17. Quad Tattoo 18. Forearm Tattoo 19. Back Tattoo 20. Elbow Tattoo 21. Outer Arms Tattoo 22. Upper Shoulder/Shoulder Tattoo 23. Ribs Tattoo 24. Spine Tattoo 25. Chest Tattoo 26. Ear Tattoo 27. Genitals Tattoo 28. Face Tattoo 29. Armpit Tattoo
A Detailed Understanding of The Tattoo Recovery Process
Now that you've been inked, you can't wait to flaunt your new style. But, wait, your skin has encountered trauma and it's important you give it the proper tattoo care day by day to recover. Learning the Tattoo Aftercare rules and understanding the healing process depends on the size of your tattoo and the intricate details of the tattoo design. Also, there is variation in recovery due to skin type, diet, hydration (how much water you drink), and previous skin damage from the sun or skin damage. Every person is different, so your tattoo artist is the best person to consult with for your skin type. Generally speaking, a large tattoo will remain swollen and red for an extended period. Premium quality Tattoo aftercare ointment should be applied to ensure that your skin has the nutrients it needs to recover faster. Follow the tattoo aftercare directions in this guide to avoid tattooed skin infection, you need to hydrate the tattooed area with high-quality tattoo aftercare products and follow professional guidelines. Learning how often to moisturize a tattoo is easy. The weather and temperature of where you're located can also affect your tattooed skin.
Avoid any direct sunlight on the tattoo for at least one week. It's important to note that direct sunlight is never advised. Tattoos age if it is direct sunlight for the entire life of the tattoo. The more sun, the more it fades and the pigment will spread or fade with age. The key to a crisp and bright tattoo is hydration and daily moisturizer. However, after 2-3 weeks your tattoo can be exposed to sunlight, but be sure to apply a good tattoo sunscreen to help minimize sun damage that leads to tattoo fading. Generally, there are five broad stages of a typical tattoo recovery process. If you follow your tattoo artist's daily guidelines and what we've listed below, the recovery process should be faster with minimal side effects.
Day 1 After Getting A New Tattoo:
As soon as you get tattooed, the traditional process is to come home with plastic wrap covering the wound, however modern technology such as tagaderm or Ink Guard Spray on Bandage have found advanced ways to bio hack the recovery process to avoid some of the more painful and long healing time that the traditional method entails. We have a new article coming soon that goes into detail on these new tattoo recovery methods. However, for this article we'll focus on the traditional plastic wrap process as it's most common. In most cases, the plastic wrap comes off easily. Similar tattoo aftercare searches resemble:
After removing the pack, you might see leaking liquids. Don't be scared or grossed out by this, as this is normal and expected. The liquid is a mixture of plasma, blood, and the extra ink that is inadvertently in our skin. It is recommended that you wash the area of the tattooed skin first with warm water. Always use a high-quality Tattoo Aftercare Soap, and afterwards be sure to gently pat dry with a paper towel or cloth that absorbs water and moisture. After all of the moisture is absorbed, keep the area dry for 20 to 25 minutes. As soon as your skin is dry from the wash, you should apply a very small amount of professional Tattoo Aftercare Cream but be sure to let the area have have plenty of air and ventilation. This process is a well known tattoo aftercare routine, and can help your skin recover faster.
Day 2 and Day 3 After Getting A New Tattoo:
On your second day, you will see the color of your tattoo becoming dull. Don't worry about the gloss. This looks dull because your skin is gradually recovering. Once the skin is fully healed, you will see that the tattoo with its normal color. in all its glory. However, you may also see scabs forming around the area of the tattooed skin. Washing in the morning and evening speeds up your recovery process. Remember to gently pat dry your skin thoroughly after washing, as this is essential. Apply Tattoo Aftercare Cream three to four times a day. Do not apply excessive cream as the scab will become thick, and you will suffocate the wound. This is why it's especially important to use a specific tattoo aftercare oil or cream to help ensure you don't clog your pores and create an overly moist area primed for infection. Apply your tattoo aftercare cream in a small amount three to four times a day. Make sure that you don't over-moisturize your tattoo, but if you do, here are instructions on how to fix an over moisturized tattoo.
Day 4 - Day 6 After Getting A New Tattoo:
On your fourth day, you will see redness fade as the swollen area returns to normal. You may witness slight abrasions around your tattoo area, try your best not to pick your scab, which is very important! Picking a scab will also pull color out, expose the tattoo to infection and can result in permanent scars. Again, if there is any weird redness or swelling arising from the area, consult your tattoo artist. Gently apply the Tattoo aftercare ointment once or twice a day to speed up the recovery process.
Day 7 - Day 14 After Getting A New Tattoo:
While the sixth day is over, the scabs become hard and begin to peel off by themselves. Do not take the scab, as this can lead to exfoliation of the inked area and leave a permanent scar. While the skin itches, it's safe to apply Tattoo Aftercare Products so it has the nutrients it needs to recover faster.
Day 15 - Day 30 After Getting A New Tattoo:
Now that you have reached the point where you see your tattooed area completely recovered from the outside, you should remember that the bottom layer of your skin still needs some recovery. Apply the Tattoo Aftercare Cream further and clean it with trusted Tattoo Soap to ensure that your skin condition returns to normal. By the end of the fourteenth day, almost all flakes will have disappeared and you will have an area of dead skin that you will need to clean from time to time. The skin can still look dry and you need to moisturize your skin with the Tattoo Aftercare Cream. In the second and third week, you will see the outer layer of your skin completely recovered, but it will be the end of the third week when you will see the color of the tattoo become vivid and bright.
Things To Avoid During The Tattoo Recovery Process
Avoid touching the tattooed skin area
Avoid wearing clothing that may cause excessive rubbing to the area during the recovery process
Avoid exposure to the sun, especially in the first month after getting a new tattoo
Avoid submerging the area of your tattooed skin in water for at least 2 weeks
Avoid touching the area of your skin, even if it is itchy, applying Tattoo aftercare ointment can help alleviate itchiness
Avoid removing the plastic for the first few hours
A detailed description of your tattoo care is mentioned above. However, when it comes to the tattoo recovery process, the rate of a tattoo recovery can vary depending on the condition of the skin and the specific area of your body where you have inked yourself. Each skin has a different degree of sensitivity, which contributes to the recovery process of a fresh tattoo. It is important to note that the recovery process also varies from person to person, as a person's skin condition and type can be very different from one another. So don't compare your recovery process to one of your tattooed friends.
Skip The Pain
Tattoos are painful. Before you get tattooed, understand that some areas are more painful and sensitive than others. Eat a nutritious meal before your get tattooed and avoid alcohol, controlled substances and coffee 24 hours leading up to your tattoo appointment. In the picture below, the various body parts are described with a pain indicator that describes how much pain you have to endure when getting tattooed in that spot.
But don't be scared of the pain factor, because the greatest pain you have to endure is negligible and some of people even find it tickling rather than painful. Tattooists sometimes use a tattoo numbing cream or tattoo numbing foam soap for some clients that are sensitive to the pain, although some tattoo enthusiasts believe pain is a ritual of passage and numbing products should not be used.
As you can see in the illustration, there are various body parts on which you can get inked. It is important to understand the process of tattooing after care and tattooing the specific body part in which you get tattooed.

Head Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: While you’re preparing to get a head tattoo, you need to know that the process of recovering a head tattoo is delicate. Head Tattoo Aftercare is important to take seriously as this is the area of your skin where hair follicles grow and this makes the process very different from any other tattooed body part. After the first few days of having your head tattooed, the cleansing process is fairly easy, but when the hair starts to grow, the area of the colored skin becomes prickly. This not only causes itching, but also pushes the ink upwards. Applying head tattoo aftercare products can also be difficult as hair begins to grow in the area. Keeping your head tat clean with Tattoo Soap and applying Tattoo aftercare ointment sparsely is essential, and must be done carefully. This helps the scabs come out and you may see exfoliation of dandruff-like colorful particles. Be gentle when washing, and this will assist the traumatized skin to recover easily.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @antoniamackotodisco

Neck Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Neck tattoos are the most visible forms of tattooing. Most of the designs are done in the nape of the neck, which is a very sensitive part of the muscle. It’s important to know that a neck tattoo hurts more than any other part of the body because the skin around the neck is very thin. The skin is very close to the bone and is padded by thin muscle layers, allowing the needles to reach closer to the bone. It is also important to note that the skin around the neck is constantly in motion, which makes the recovery process longer. By rubbing clothing constantly, the risk of itching can increase from the friction. Careful application of Neck Tattoo Aftercare Products will ensure that your tattoo can properly recover, and you’re less likely to have issues during the recovery process.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @victor_chill

Throat Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: To ensure optimum safety of your throat tattoo, it’s important to understand that just like the front area of your neck, the back of the neck is a very delicate area. The process of recovering will take time and if you have long hair, it’s always advisable to tie up your hair so it’s not constantly rubbing against your neck tattoo. When necessary, apply Tattoo Aftercare Cream to help ease the itchy sensation. These Tattoo Aftercare Creams will also help the skin stay moisturized and should help to fuel faster recovery. While going out of your home, try to avoid direct exposure to the sun. It’s not advisable to spend excess amounts of time in the sun, but if you do be sure to use a strong Tattoo Sunscreen. A good amount of care and application of premium quality Tattoo Ointments will help you get the shine and the color of the tattoo as intended by the artist.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @dylanwebertattoos

Stomach Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: A stomach tattoo is a very unique piece and there are certain precautions you need to take if you are to learn the right methods for stomach tattoo aftercare. Be sure to remain aware of your body and understand that the stomach area has loosely placed muscles and folds while you are sitting or bending. In the first few days after a stomach tattoo, continuous bending of your skin can cause damage. However, the damage is minimal and can be managed if precautions are taken. Always use high-quality Tattoo Ointments to moisturize the tattoo, which will support the recovery process and, if done correctly, leave no scars. As you finish getting tattooed and are on your way home, you need to prepare for the unpleasant but manageable discomfort you will encounter. Stomach tattoo’s brings a medium level of discomfort and will take some time for the area of your stomach to return to normal. Patience and caution are your best friend in this scenario. Like other areas of the skin, you need to carefully wash your colored area with delicate Tattoo Soap. Dry the area and let it gradually recover.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @alanpadillaarte

- Lip Tattoo PMU Aftercare Instructions: Once you have finished your lip tattoo, you can see the colored area of your lip darker and bolder, but eventually the color fades. You will have to wait a few weeks to get your true color back. The entire recovery process can take 2-4 weeks, and keeping your lips dry can be a challenge. In the first few days, you will see redness and swelling. Over time, the redness and swelling will disappear. On the first day, make sure that you do not touch your lips and if you need to touch your lips, make sure that your hands are washed. Dab your lips with Tattoo Ointment and do not ice your lips! The process of dabbing your lips should be done two to three times and you must (try) to make sure that your skin remains as dry as possible. If you want to drink, make sure that you use a straw for the first three to four days. During this time you have to stay away from spicy and salty food. Kissing is not advised until the scab fully heals.

Finger Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: When you get a tattoo on your finger or hand, you need to be very careful. Hand tattoos are very beautiful and visibility is very high, but at the same time tattoo maintenance is also an important factor to consider. It is recommended that you wash your hands with Tattoo Soap three to four times a day to prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses. You will need to apply a small amount of the Tattoo Aftercare Cream from time to time to ensure that your tattoo remains moisturized so that it can heal properly. It is important to note that your hand is mostly exposed to the sun and this increases UV radiation exposure. Extreme UV radiation exposure can lead to ink fading. Specially manufactured Tattoo Sunscreen can be used to help shield sunlight, although you should try to keep the fresh tattoo out of the sun for at least a week.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @mayonaize

Hand Tattoo Aftercare and Wrist Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: The aftercare for your hand & wrist tattoo is the same as for your fingers. It's important to note that Finger tattoos may fade or spread over time, especially if it is near the palm area. As the whole, hands need to be used frequently, so it is necessary to clean your hand from time to time with Tattoo Soap and apply the Tattoo Aftercare Cream. As your hand is almost always exposed to the sun, do your best to keep your fresh ink out of the sun for at least 1 week. Applying Tattoo Sunscreen is highly recommended if you must be in the sun with fresh ink. During the recovery days, be very careful and aware to protect your hand as best you can. The first few days swell and redness disappears within a week and the color of your tattoo normalizes. Ensure that you do not contaminate the area of your tattoo and dry the area after cleaning. You need to clean your hand at least three to four times a day to ensure a sanitary recovery experience.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @jamesstrickland

Butt Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: A butt tattoo can be difficult to manage. While you have the butt area of your skin inked, you need to make sure that every time you sit, you do it carefully. The butt area of your skin is more exposed to rubbing because it is covered continuously and every time you sit, it rubs on the surface of your clothing. The recovery process may take longer, but you need to make sure you apply aftercare products frequently. Tattoo Aftercare Products such as Tattoo Ointments must be applied three to four times a day and it is always recommended to wear loose pants for the first week to avoid extreme rubbing of the skin. As the muscles of your skin are weak and lose, you need to make sure you really give yourself adequate time to recover. Initially after having a butt tattoo the area may feel like sunburn, it will gradually recover in 1-2 weeks and you’ll feel more comfortable with it. Now, who gets the pleasure of seeing this masterpiece?
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @josephhaefstattooer

Calf Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: The calf area of your leg will always be exposed to dirt when walking. If you have a calf tattoo, you must make sure that you cover the area of your colored skin to ensure that the area is not exposed to dirt. Avoid walking on wet surfaces for the first couple weeks until the peels finish. As you apply Tattoo Aftercare Products, make sure that your foot is at rest. Walking barefoot can attract germs and dust that might create scaring, be sure to keep your fresh calf tattoo away from any unsanitary environment.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @karibarba

Foot Tattoo Instructions / Ankle Tattooing Instructions: Ankles and feet are equally susceptible to infection if proper care is not taken. Try not to wear tight shoes for at least two to three weeks. You must take special care of your foot and ankle after the tattoo. Don’t get your ankle or foot wet, and it’s advisable to get a tattoo on your foot or ankle during the dry season. Some people avoid getting tattoos during the rainy season, as walking through mud or wet surfaces makes the area of your skin susceptible to infection. Be sure to apply Tattoo aftercare ointment occasionally to help the area recover more quickly.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @danielrochatat2

Back of the Knee Tattoo Instructions: Skin around the back of the knee is relatively sensitive and this is one of the reasons why they take a long time to recover. Another important challenge that needs to be overcome when it comes to the back of the knee tattoo is that the knee has a joint that folds when we walk. So you need to make sure that the area where the tattoo is done is being thoroughly cleansed with **Tattoo Soap** and Tattoo Aftercare Cream is applied from time to time. This is the way through which the recovery process can be speeded up. The scabs and the flakes coming out of the area will itch, do your best to not itch! It is recommended that when the scabs start coming out you clean the area to remove the dead cells.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @jamieschene

Knee Tattooing Guide: A knee tattoo looks nice, but as with all good things, getting a new tattoo comes with certain challenges. The skin area around the knee is extremely sensitive, making it difficult to get a tattoo. If you bend your knees, the skin folds around your knee, making it difficult when it comes to the recovery process. However, with the use of Tattoo Aftercare Cream regularly, and proper care for the area so that your skin can recover at a normal pace. So if you get a knee tattoo, make sure you don't bend the knee too much in the first few days. Read a book, relax and let your body heal!
* Inkeeze Ambassador @boojohnson

Thigh Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Because the area of your thigh is sensitive and the muscles are soft, you need to make sure that you follow Thigh Tattoo Aftercare Instructions carefully and allow sufficient time for the area to recover. Be very patient! In the first few days you can see that the recovery process is very slow, but within one to two months the area of your tattoo and skin will be completely recover if you take care of the thigh area and apply Tattoo Ointments from time to time. You need to make sure that the process of cleaning your tattooed skin is frequent and that it is hydrated when it dries is also an essential factor to consider. Here’s some tips on how often to moisturize a tattoo.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @josephhaefstattooer

Quad Tattoo Aftercare Instructions & Leg Tattoo Aftercare: Quad tattoos are some of the most elegantly designed tattoos because the large area can provide your leg with a panoramic view. In most cases, your quad tattoo can often cause stabbing pain when you walk. Most of the time the area of your quads are covered and this can lead to constant rubbing of the skin. Therefore, you need to apply a Tattoo Aftercare Cream when the area is dry to support the tattoo recovery and bring it back to the normal state of your skin.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @jimsylviatattoo

Forearm Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Usually, if you plan to get a tattoo on your forearm, it doesn't hurt as much because of the strong muscles that remain under your forearms. Forearm tattoos are very common because they hurt less and offer a wide canvas for the artist to design. Instructions for forearm tattoo aftercare vary depending on the size of the tattoo. You may prefer a large tattoo, but you should keep in mind that the time needed for recovery will be longer. However, if you do a small tattoo on your forearm, the recovery process may be shorter. If the forearm tattoo extends over the entire sleeve, you must ensure that you wear sleeveless clothing for a few days so that the clothing does not rub against the skin that was inked. Always use lukewarm water and a reputable Tattoo Soap during the first three weeks when you wash your forearm tattoo. Apply Tattoo Aftercare Cream or Tattoo Ointments at least three to four times a day for the first three weeks.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @fred_tattoo

Back Tattoo Instructions: Before you decide to tattoo your back, you need to take certain precautions and prepare yourself to ensure that the recovery process can be as smooth as possible. The back of your body is prone to pain, especially in the area of your love handles. If you are willing to have your back tattooed, make sure that you are ready to endure some discomfort in the first 2 weeks. Be aware of your body and potential signs of infection. Make sure that after drying the tattoo in the lower back area, you are applying Tattoo Aftercare Cream and always keeping it moist but not excessively moisturizing! If you think you’ve over moisturized we’ve got you covered. Here’s some instruction on how to fix your over moisturized tattoo. You should also make sure that you stay away from the UV radiation from the sun until your back tattoo has completely recovered. Back tattoos might cause your sleeping positions to be temporarily changed. Sleeping on your back is fine, by if possible try sleeping on your side or stomach to avoid pressure and movement during your slumber.
* Inkeeze Owner & Artist @carlostorresart

Elbow Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Getting an elbow tattoo can be a challenge because this is the area of your body that lacks air circulation. You need to make sure that when you get yourself inked in the elbow area you wear clothes that would allow the tattoo to breathe, but also not be in direct sunlight. Of course, be sure to apply a trusted Tattoo aftercare ointment to help the area of your skin recover faster by staying adequately moisturized.
* Inkeeze Owner & Sponsored Artist @franco_vescovi

**Outer Arms Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: **The process of recovery for outer arm tattoos can take longer than normal. Like any part of your arm if you are wearing a full sleeve then the area of your arms will be covered and this will lead to rubbing of your cloth against the inked area of your skin. The friction created by rubbing your clothes can lead to an infection that needs to be avoided. Using a proper application of Tattoo Aftercare Products is recommended to keep the tattoo moisturized and healthy while in the tattoo recovery phase.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @arlotattoos

Upper Shoulder/Shoulder Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Shoulder tattoos stretch from the flat blades of your shoulder on your back to the collar bone in the front area. So shoulder tattoo can be subdivided into the upper shoulder tattoo and the front shoulder tattoo. The area of your shoulder can offer you a flat Canvas which is beneficial for the tattoo artist to design various patterns. The upper shoulder tattoo aftercare process is easy as compared to the other parts of the body. Wearing loose clothes is advised, and cleaning your shoulder tattoo with Tattoo Soap and applying Tattoo aftercare ointment will help your skin to recover faster.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @alexisvaateteart

Ribs Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: The area of your skin around your ribs are soft and are filled with blood vessels. You need to make sure that extra care is taken when it comes to inking the area of your ribs. The blood vessels in that area will lead to swelling and soreness that may take time to recover. Apply Tattoo Aftercare Cream at least 4 to 5 times a day to make sure that the tattoo stays moisturized, and therefore can properly recover.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @victorportugal

Spine Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: A spine tattoo is rad, as the area of your back provides a wide canvas for design. However, you need to know that the area of your spine where you get yourself inked will be hard to reach. For this reason, the process of Spine Tattoo Aftercare may be difficult. It’s suggested to have someone help to apply Tattoo Aftercare Cream properly a few times per day. Like every part of your body, you must take good care of your back tattoo to make sure that it recovers properly. The spine area is covered almost all day. So the application of a premium Tattoo Ointment is a necessity.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @victorportugal

Chest Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: A Chest tattoo rightly defines the fact that beauty comes with a cost. The wide canvas offers the chest area of the skin being splashed with colors can be beautiful if you are ready to endure pain. This also indicates the fact that the process of recovery will be slow. But don't worry you have some of the best Tattoo Aftercare Products available in the market that will help you to recover faster.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @alexisvaateteart

- Ear Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: The ear is the area of your skin that has no bones, but that doesn’t mean it’s not painful! The good news about getting an ear tattoo is that the process of recovering your ear tattoo is faster. That doesn't mean that you avoid the aftercare part. You need to apply a high quality Tattoo Ointment from time to time to make sure that your tattoo stays moisturized, and healthy so it can live a happy (un-infected) life.

Genitals Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: There is a common misconception that genital tattoos are tattoos that are designed in the actual area of your genitals. The area of genital tattoos can be designed in the pelvic area as well. However, this can be considered to be one the most delicate part of the muscles in your body. You need to be extremely careful in the process of tattooing and aftercare with regards to your genitals. The area is mostly covered, and often get sweaty. You need to make sure that the area is cleaned after every three to four hours and a trusted Tattoo Aftercare Cream is applied from time to time.
* Inkeeze Sponsored Artist @josephhaefstattooer

Face Tattoo Aftercare Instructions, and surrounding areas: The Face is the area of your skin that is always espoused to air and light. However, after getting inked in the area of your face you must do your best to stay out of sunlight for at least 24 hours. It is very essential to wash your face with a gentle **Tattoo Soap**, and keep it moisturized with a Tattoo Aftercare Cream after the first few days.
* Inkeeze Owner & Artist @carlostorres

Armpit Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Armpits are moist and sweaty especially during the summers. The muscles folds and the skin in the area of your armpit rub to create an itchy feeling. Do your best to keep your fresh armpit tattoo dry, and of course (you guessed it) apply Tattoo Ointments every few hours to maintain nutrients and ‘good’ moisture.
* @inkeeze Brand Ambassador, @thehannahjensen showing off her armpit piece by @franco_vescovi

How often should I moisturize my tattoo?
The Process of recovering your tattoo may vary depending on the size of your tattoo, your skin type, your diet, and many other factors. Your tattoo artist will be your best advisor for your individual experience. The process of recovering your tattoo may also vary depending on the size of your tattoo. Generally, it takes a month to recover the upper layer of the tattoo and the underneath layer may take an even longer time. It is suggested that Tattoo Ointments are used 2 to 3 times a day to moisturize your tattoo. Read more about How often to moisturize my tattoo.
**When is my tattoo fully healed? **
Many factors decide the time that is needed for healing your tattoo. Usually, it takes three to four weeks to get the upper layer of your skin healed after you get your tattoo done. In this stage, the scabs start peeling off and you are in your process to recover the layer that is being traumatized the most. However, it is essential to be patient because the underneath layer is not yet healed. The layer underneath your skin will take a much longer time to heal and usually, it takes up to six months to be completely healed. Read more about When is a tattoo fully healed?
Can you get a fake tan after getting a new tattoo?
The question Can you get a fake tan after getting a new tattoo is actually very common.
Here’s the answer: Drop the idea of getting a fake tan after getting some fresh ink. Getting a fake tan may lead to infection of a new tattoo, which will make the process of your skin recovery more difficult. Tattoo aftercare products are specially designed to give your fresh ink nutrients and moisturized. Fake tans zap your skin dry.
How to protect your tattoo from the sun?
Learning how to protect your tattoo from the sun is essential for proper recovery of a new tattoo. A fresh tattoo being exposed to the sun will make your skin get dry, and as explained in this article it’s essential to keep a fresh tattoo fueled with nutrients and properly moisturized! Besides, the UV rays coming out of the sun will further damage the freshly tattooed area of your skin. It’s highly recommended to stay out of the sun for at least 1 week, but if you must be in the sun - One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun is by applying Tattoo Sunscreen. This will protect the skin from UV rays and will also help you to keep your skin moisturized.
Why do you need to use a tattoo sunscreen?
It’s highly recommended to use a Tattoo Sunscreen that is designed by professionals who are in the tattoo industry. Inkeeze has created the best tattoo sunscreen on the market due to our love of tattoos and understanding of the tattoo recovery process. The main difference between a tattoo sunscreen and any other sunscreen is the texture of the cream, and nutrients in the sunscreen. Tattoo Sunscreen is light weighted, smells great and has quality that not only helps the cream to protect skin from the UV rays but also makes tattoos vibrant.
How to fix a bubbling tattoo?
Tattoo bubbling is a very common issue that is being faced by people. One of the main reasons for bubbling your tattoo is over-saturation. This is the reason why you need to make sure that you avoid exposure to water for the first six months to get your tattoo safe. By following the instructions properly the tattoo aftercare can be properly done which will keep away from the bubbling of your tattoo. However, if these Tattoo Aftercare Products are used then you will be able to keep away from the bubbling effect. It is also necessary to keep an eye on the tattoo. Though bubbling doesn't necessarily mean infection if any irritation or swelling persists then it is suggested to consult a doctor. Here’s a guide on How To Fix a Bubbling Tattoo.
How Long Should I Wait To Work Out After Getting a New Tattoo?
If you recently got a new tattoo and wonder how long you need to wait after a new tattoo before going to the gym to work out, the answer is 48 hours – 72 hours. Working out and lifting weights after getting a new tattoo isn't the best idea because you can sweat, leading to infection on a new tattoo. It doesn't matter what part of the body your tattoo is on! If you are working out after a tattoo on the bicep or working out after getting a tattoo on your forearm, or leg, anywhere – wait it out to avoid potential infection!
Can I Shower After Getting a New Tattoo?
Yes of course, you can shower after getting a new tattoo! Although it's advised to wait at least 24-48 hours before taking a shower after getting a new tattoo. Be sure to use a tattoo soap, and avoid hot water on the new tattoo. Here's a quick guide on how to wash a new tattoo in the shower!
How To Sleep After Getting a New Tattoo?
If you're curious how to sleep with a new tattoo, we've got you covered! Proper tattoo aftercare and sleeping with your new tattoo go hand in hand. You'll want to keep the film on your tattoo for the first night and most likely sleep on a towel under the newly tattooed area not to harm your sheets. Make sure the towel is CLEAN, so no bacteria form. You'll want to check out our Ink Guard Spray and Ink Guard Film, which tattoo artists typically highly recommend. When sleeping with a new tattoo, make sure you do your best to avoid applying pressure to the newly tattooed area. Sometimes this is impossible but do your best. We advise not sleeping with pets for the first few nights because stuff happens, and if hair finds its way into your new tattooed area, it can cause bacteria and infections. Most importantly, get some good rest and stay hydrated! If you practice proper tattoo aftercare for sleeping with a new tattoo, you'll be happy with how your recovery process unfolds.
Is Vaseline or Neosporin Good For Tattoo Aftercare?
Vaseline isn't good for tattoo aftercare, neither is Neosporin. Vaseline and Neosporin on a tattoo can be too harsh on the newly tattooed skin. It's best to go with a professional tattoo aftercare product developed specifically for the skin of a new tattoo.
Signs That a New Tattoo Isn't Healing Properly
Some common signs that your new tattoo isn't healing properly are:
- You may experience a fever or get the chills
- It's normal for your skin to be red, slightly swollen, and puffy, but the skin around the tattoo shouldn't be. If the skin around your tattoo is swollen after 4-5 days, call your tattoo artist (or doctor) for some advice.
- Prolonged red, irritated skin
- If you see a scar-forming, it could be a sign that you need to be taking better care of the tattoo
- If your tattoo itches or you have bumps lasting 2+ weeks after getting a new tattoo
- If you are experiencing oozing liquids from the new tattoo after 7-8 days, it might be time to call a doctor
About Inkeeze
We’ve worked hard to make Inkeeze a well-known leader in the tattoo aftercare space. With the @inkeeze Instagram boasting over 170,000 loyal followers, and thousands of happy customers each month, we’ve been connecting with and inspiring tattoo enthusiasts for years. We understand the intricacies of tattoo designing and work hard to develop industry leading products that meet the tattooing standards of the best tattoo artists in the game. We’re humbled to be considered among the best tattoo lifestyle brands in the world and will always continue to create premium quality tattoo products. Since the inception of Inkeeze, we’ve been striving to create tattoo culture across the world and also help in providing a platform for tattoo professionals to collaborate. Over the years, our company has grown as one of the leaders in the industry setting benchmarks for the industry standards. The primary goal of Inkeeze is to make sure that our customers have all the knowledge they need, so the process of getting tattooed and recovering is made as painless and enjoyable as possible. Over the years tattooing has become one of the most demanded crafts and Inkeeze has made sure that the best quality tattoo aftercare products reach tattoo enthusiasts across the world. We love this world of ink, and thank you for riding it with us.